The Uses of Virtual Reality in Social Anxiety Treatment

Dr. Rosen and Dr. Spinner recently presented a session on The Uses of Virtual Reality in Social Anxiety Treatment for the National Social Anxiety Center. View the presentation on The Uses of Virtual Reality in Social Anxiety Treatment. We Can Help If you are experiencing social anxiety or would like to learn more about available […]
Is Exercise A Viable Treatment For Depression?

Exercise has long been viewed as being beneficial for physical health, but in recent years there has been increasing interest in using it as an effective, natural treatment option for mental health issues like depression. I have noticed that many people who seek treatment in our clinic aren’t aware that exercise can improve their mental […]
The Growing Childhood Obesity Epidemic

Growing up in the United States, many of us enjoyed a childhood filled with fun and games. Whether it was playing tag on the playground or challenging our friends at sports competitions, we had an abundance of energy that frequently seemed inexhaustible. Today, however, that is often not the case, as more and more children […]
Jerome Siegmeister, MD, MaED – Consult The Expert On Why You Can’t Focus

Lately, likely due to the increased coverage on television and in social media, many people have been coming in to see me saying they have poor attention, they can’t focus, and they think they may have ADHD. Some do, some don’t. When they do have it, the best treatment often isn’t what they were expecting. […]
Seth Grobman, Psy.D. – Consult The Expert On Telehealth Visits

For this month’s Consult The Expert interview, I spoke with Seth Grobman, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist here at The Anxiety Center. Dr. Grobman has been practicing traditionally for more than twenty years. When the covid pandemic hit, he pivoted to telehealth so he could continue to treat patients during the shutdowns. Today, telehealth is still […]
Andrew Rosen, PhD, ABPP, FAACP – Consult The Expert On The Dangers Of The Media And Outside Influencers

For this month’s Consult The Expert interview, we talked with Dr. Andrew Rosen, the founder of The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders. Dr. Rosen has been a practicing clinician for over forty years, so he is well-versed in the changes that have taken place regarding mental health challenges over the decades. As […]
Bump or monkeypox, cough or COVID-19: Am I seriously sick or am I living in 2022?

Fever, chills, bumps, rashes, sore throat, sniffles, headache, oh my – could having any of these symptoms mean you might be seriously ill?
Does Anxiety Get Better With Age?

It’s no secret that the elderly population is the fastest growing age group in the United States. In fact, there are now approximately 76 million baby boomers in the United States and that number is increasing daily. While some things get better with age (think of fine wines), will aging affect mood disorders? Does anxiety get better with age?
Covid Stress And The Pandemic’s Effects On Society: A Psychologist’s Observations

As a psychologist who treats anxiety daily, I’ve been in a unique position during the pandemic. I can distinctly see the difference the last two years have had on individuals, families, and society in general.
Help For School Anxiety During Covid

School is starting up again and many school districts have gone back to in-person learning. While back to school anxieties are typical during any given year, COVID-19 is still with us, which has added more uncertainty and stress for everyone involved.