Obsessive and Intrusive Thoughts Often Increase After Shooting Tragedies Says South Florida Mental Health Expert
In the wake of the movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado, and the Sikh temple shooting near Milwaukee, it’s easy for victims of obsessive and intrusive thoughts to wonder if they could follow that same path.
Obsessive and Intrusive Thoughts Often Increase After Shooting Tragedies Says South Florida Mental Health Expert
In the wake of the movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado, and the Sikh temple shooting near Milwaukee, it’s easy for victims of obsessive and intrusive thoughts to wonder if they could follow that same path.
HOCD – Homosexual OCD or the Fear of Being Gay
People with HOCD can be affected enough by their intrusive thoughts that they quit jobs, make dramatic life changes, or end relationships in order to avoid triggering their symptoms.
Help For OCD in South Florida
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder affects more than five million people across the country. There are five major behavior categories associated with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. South Florida OCD sufferers should seek treatment once their obsessions begin to rule their life.
Facts About Obsessive Intrusive Catastrophic Thoughts – South Florida Mental Health Counseling
If you or someone you know is dealing with obsessive intrusive catastrophic thoughts that have begun to obstruct their normal way of life, it’s important to seek help with a South Florida mental health therapist. Without treatment, a person with this level of intrusive thoughts can eventually find themselves cut-off from their friends and family. But seeking treatment can help initiate a return to normal life.