Anxiety During Pregnancy

While most women are thrilled to be pregnant and eagerly look forward to the arrival of their little bundle of joy, those women who already suffer from mood disorders may see an increase in their anxiety during pregnancy.


As hypersexuality progresses, the behavior develops into compulsive and uncontrollable impulses as the person becomes addicted to the pleasurable neurochemical changes in their brain that produce a “high”.

Hypersexual Disorder (Sex Addict)

Those with hypersexual disorder end up confused, obsessed, and endlessly looking for a “fix” that becomes increasingly difficult to achieve.

Carcinophobia or Fear of Getting Cancer

Carcinophobia, or the fear of getting cancer, typically affects those who have had the disease or have known people afflicted with it. Of all the phobias that exist, the fear of getting cancer can be one of the most debilitating.